Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Dangers Of Crystal Meth

You should talk to your kids about the horrible scourge of “Crystal Meth”.How else are they to know? Or if the information they receive from friends or the street is watered down or plain wrong and misinformed?

Methamphetamine or commonly called “Crystal Meth” is a dangerous, highly addictive drug. It is cheap, widely available and making inroads among young people. Sooner or late your kids may you asked or encouraged by peer pressure to try it. “It is great and a little bit cannot hurt”. Now is the time to get the facts and dangers of Crystal Meth on the table for your kids.

When this terrible day occurs you want your kids to be able to say a firm “no” to this very dangerous villain. Believe it or not your opinion can make a big difference to your kids. Knowing where you stand can give them the confidence - and the facts – they need to make this choice of saying “no” which should be their only choice.

The important thing is to be honest about how you feel and communicate the message that “Crystal Meth is a dangerous, addictive drug that can do major permanent damage “. The second message to clearly expound is “I do not want you using Crystal Meth because I love you and I am concerned and care what happens to you.”

This can be the first of many ongoing conversations you can have with your kids about Crystal Meth and other drugs over the coming months and years.

What are the facts about Crystal Meth? Firstly that Crystal Meth is highly addictive and that the addiction takes hold very quickly. Addicts begin to “binge and crash” taking more of the drug more often. You should be aware that Crystal Meth is known by other names including jib, crank, meth, crystal ice, glass, chalk or speed.

Users can swallow, inhale, smoke or inject the drug. It should be made clear that while a person is high on Crystal Meth that their judgment is beyond severely impaired. The person is a lot more likely to make very bad decisions – including taking other dangerous drugs or encouraging in unprotected sex.

You can ask your child or teen if they have heard of Crystal Meth and what do they think of it. Listen carefully to the answers and take a moment before responding. Again let them know the damage that Crystal Meth causes.’
Do not feel uncomfortable about a few moments of silence in your conversation, especially after you have asked a question (or received a short answer). Your son or daughter may be working up the courage to tell you something important.

Remember that it is okay if your child does not agree with everything you say.Make sure that they understand where you sand and what you expect. On the other foot be prepared to have an open discussion.

Lastly help your child learn to say “no” by rehearsing situations where they might be offered Crystal Meth at a party, a Rave or before a big exam. Remember the most important message that Crystal Meth is a dangerous, addictive drug that can do permanent addictive damage.

By: Margaret Mathew


Tackling the problem of drug addiction in your family

Drug Addiction doesn’t happen overnight for the person abusing the drug. Often, families never see it coming. When someone you love begins their long journey down the road of drug addiction, it is a path that seems to have more twists and turns than a rollercoaster. The ups and downs occur every day and seem to be never ending. As a family, you start to doubt anything the family member has ever told you. If anything in your home was ever missing, you suspect they took it. If they go to the bathroom, you think they are doing drugs. The trust of your family slowly turns into suspicion.

You talk to people about help and they tell you of another 12 step program support system or of something they know nothing about. You thank them smile and never hear a word they say because you are more concerned with where the family member is right at this very moment and you are wondering what they are doing or if they are even alive.

Young people are not just smoking pot anymore. They are huffing, snorting, smoking drugs that you have never heard of and they don’t plan to give it up. If they get caught, they’re sorry, but they will look you in the eye and tell you they’re sorry. After that they will be even more careful to avoid being caught.

These drugs allow the people on them an amazing level of self-confidence with authoritative people in their lives. They are going to do drugs and with the slack laws, well there is nothing you can do about it.

WRONG. There isn’t anything you can do with your children once they turn 18. If they choose to do drugs after their 18th birthday, they can do just as much as they want to do and you will not be able to stop them and no one will help you control them, because legally, they are no longer under your protection – they are legal adults now. However if you are coping with a drug-addict that is under the age of majority, you can take drastic measures. In many cases you should.

The drugs that are available to kids these days are more dangerous than anything you ever experienced in your younger years. The kids opt for pain killers such as Oxycontin, Percocet, and Loratabs. Then when those highs don’t cut it, they get turned onto meth amphetamine (crystal meth). It is an extremely popular social drug that has devastating effects. No one seems to walk completely away from because the temptation is there each and every day for the rest of their life.

So when you get that phone call in the wee hours of the morning, you hang up the phone and decide right then, do you take action? Remember if you don’t, it will mean you could be giving up someone you love.

By: Jordi Shoman


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