What you should know about ecstasy?
Ecstasy, E. X, XTC, Adam, MDMA, Hug Drug, Rolling. No matter what your child calls it, the dangerous effects of the drug are the same.

What is ecstasy?
Ecstasy is made from MDMA, a synthetic (manmade) drug that is part amphetamine and part psychedelic. Ecstasy has spread, especially on American college campuses and among young people all around the country. It is popular at all-night dance parties called "raves" where kids dance non-stop to Techno music. Ecstasy can be sold as pills or powder for $25–$40. Pills are small, colorful, stamped with icons or words. Ecstasy has a number of candy-sounding street names like "007," "Superman" or "Tweetie Bird." Other names for Ecstasy include MBDB, MDE, MDA, MDEA and 2CB.Ecstasy has been illegal since 1985.
Ecstasy is usually swallowed in tablet form, but it can be injected, snorted, or smoked.
Is it addictive?
Ecstasy causes the user's body to increase its production of serotonin, a natural chemical that effects moods. The increase in serotonin gives the user an euphoric high which last 6 to 24 hours. The body does not become physically addicted to the drug; the user forms an emotional attachment and becomes psychologically addicted.
Why is it dangerous?
Ecstasy disrupts the brain's ability to regulate moods, memory, pain and sleep. It is a stimulant, so it raises a user's heart rate and blood pressure. As body temperature rises, the user is at risk for a number of medical problems including dehydration. Most ecstasy users drink a lot of bottled water to counteract this danger, but in reality they are flushing their system of potassium and essential electrolytes their bodies need.
Repeated exposure to ecstasy can result in memory loss and brain damage. An overdose may result in seizures, heart attack, kidney dialysis, dependence on a ventilator, coma or death.
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